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Steampunk weapons are bound to make any outfit more exciting. Your choice of weapon will essentially depend on your character. It is possible to buy steampunk weapons online, but it’s so much fun to make your own, so do consider some steampunk DIY.

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Steampunk Weapons available Online

Cane Sword

A cane sword is a perfect choice for those who are looking to be more discreet and elegant with their characters’ weaponry. The Nautilus Steampunk Sword Cane was named after Captain Nemo’s famous submarine. The sword is secretly hidden away inside the Victorian style cane and so you can surprise any enemies by pulling out the 12″ stainless steel blade that can repel any vicious attack on land or sea!

Pirate Sword

Commonly used by steampunk pirates, there are unlimited designs of pirate swords – some are more traditional and simpler in style, whereas others have the recognisable Steampunk style that separates it from the rest with modern looking blades with the addition of spikes and cogs. A pirate sword is an essential for cosplaying Long John Silver or Captain Jack Sparrow.


Truncheons are almost always basic in their design, but adding one to an outfit is still incredibly effective. Truncheons make for great Victorian Police Man costumes.

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Steampunk Revolver

If you are looking for something even more unusual and Steampunk-y, a Steampunk revolver is perfect for you. The revolvers, yet again come in all different designs, you can purchase a traditional looking revolver, or what appears to be handmade revolvers with the inner mechanisation showing, you can even purchase ones that look even more advanced. With the endless options, revolvers are bound to suit any of your outfits by making them appear more precise and apocalypse-y.

Steampunk Musket Rifle

Did you know that there was such thing as ‘Cattlepunk?’ Yes – cattlepunk is Wild West steampunk! This toy steampunk Musket is great for all you budding steampunk cowboys and cowgirls!

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Steampunk Weapons DIY

Making your own steampunk gun at home is quite easy and straightforward when you have the right equipment. Many people print their own cuffs and weapons using 3D printers and create their own from bits and pieces around the house. Some people even spray paint NERF guns!